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Put Down The Cape
Welcome (2:30)
The 3 P's
Peace, Productivity and Profits (7:32)
Opportunity Cost (5:41)
Revenue Generating Activity (3:09)
The 7 Traps That Block Growth
Convenience (6:00)
Trust (4:10)
Passion (4:12)
Control (5:57)
Fear (5:15)
Worth (5:52)
Cost (3:34)
Letting It Go
What Does Your Business Need? (5:13)
What Can You Delegate? (2:20)
1099 vs. W-2 Employees (5:48)
Case Studies: Putting Down The Cape
Latrina Walden (44:48)
Morgan Andenas-Weber (24:51)
Michelle O'Kennard (34:20)
Moving Forward: Next Steps
Celebration (2:52)
Start Smart, Grow Strong (4:04)
Latrina Walden
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